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Partners & Advocates in the Community.


Partnerships represent the pinnacle of collaboration and leadership in society. Genuine partnerships are the most rewarding, and effective form of decision-making we have. The challenges facing communities today are complex and many, and they exist in a wide range of scales. However, partnerships are increasingly becoming the answer for issues that involve many stakeholders or require the application of many minds to address.


There are many types of partnerships, but community partnerships are key and can be as diverse and varied as the communities in which they materialize and the issues they’re formed to mitigate. Some may be ad-hoc or temporary committees, formed to quickly respond to a discrete and dire community issue and can be disbanded as quickly as they form once the goal or objective has been met or addressed. Other partnerships form to take on larger or more complex projects, developing structures by which they operate and creating comprehensive strategies to advance a common goal. All in all, a community partnership is a collaborative relationship between willing entities formed to address shared objectives.



African proverb about the importance of community:

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” â€‹

Why are partnerships valuable & important in the community? 

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